Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Photo Session

It's been a few weeks since I've taken photos of someone other than my husband and dog, and I thought I'd share a few from the session. Thanks guys for your patience!


AnnaHatcherDesign said...

haha! that last one is halarious!

Anna Claire said...

oh wow. they're all gorgeous, but they should frame that last one!

Cary Hatcher said...

Very nice pictures - love the hat pictures. What a cute baby! I do love the "Scary camera lady" best!!!

Ashley Turnbull said...

Casey, crazy small world, but is that Laura Beth and Clint? LB and I were in the same sorority at Auburn! And I actually just heard about her the other day - Lindsey Frank said that she saw them at the grocery store in Madison! Too funny!

Great pictures by the way!

Z.H. Striplin said...

Casey your pix are really getting better and better! I love this one! Love the headline too ;)